a jeep accessories education
Several months ago we started optimizing for www.jeepsandstuff.com a Jeep accessories online store run by some local folks who honestly run a top-notch operation and take care of their customers like a small town mom and pop. We didn't design the site it is a Yahoo store and honestly the first couple of weeks gave us fits. We had success in MSN and Google but it was like Yahoo hated it's own product. Anyhow the whole reason I am writing today is because it is really working. Since we started on the site visits have more than doubled and the page views/ visit ratio are steadily increasing. Oh yeah sales are way up too! We are continuing to work on it, it's a never ending process, don't let anyone tell you they can spend a week optimizing your site and you will dominate search engines, it just can't happen that way. They competition will continue to improve their rankings and your glory will be short lived!!
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