Jeep soft tops
We have been telling you for quite a while about all the work we have been doing for and we have 20 keywords right now that we are really cranking on. Well we still are working on all those keywords but we are getting close to dominating jeep soft tops and I thought I would share some info about it with you. Ok let's back up, why is LogicMaze a good choice for your search engine optimization firm? Easy, we are fanatically competitive. LUNATICS! We must win! Now, do we have all of our clients at number one on every search engine? No, not all of our clients have the budget to get to number 1 in their industry for the big keywords. But, we do make massive improvements for all of our clients when we take them on as SEO clients. I am getting sidetracked, jeep soft tops is driving our competitive nature. When we started with they were not in the top 1,000 on Yahoo Google or MSN for jeep soft tops. As of right now (the time will be posted in at the bottom of this entry) is #7 on MSN out of 405,293 results. They are #36 on Yahoo out of 597,000 results and they are #50 on Google out of 592,000. Not too bad, all three search engines are sending traffic to the site for this keyword. Not good enough though! I am going for top 5 placement on all 3 engines in one month. By Feb 20th will be in the top 5 on the 3 major search engines for "jeep soft tops".
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