Monday, November 27, 2006

Jeep Liberty Accessories

The keyword Jeep Liberty accessories is a big one for Jeeps and Stuff, bringing in 107 visits this week. 49 of those visits came from Google, where the site sits in the 11th spot. The second highest keyword is Jeep Wrangler accessories, with 59 visits. Jeeps and Stuff sits 16th on Google for that one.
Other keywords that brought traffic to Jeeps and Stuff were:
jeep accessories
Jeep tire covers
Jeep Wrangler
Jeep doors

Some words that we'd like to have bring in more if not some traffic are
Jeep soft tops
Warn Winch
Jeep tops
Jeep bumpers
Jeep seats Jeep seat cover
Jeep hardtop

All of them have decent placement in the search engines, which are always getting better, so there is definite promise there.


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