A Great Kansas Non-profit.
I kinda have this really drastic approach to my thought process on non-profits or charities that I choose to support with my time or money. I am not a big fan of Band-aid solutions to problems. I think peoples time and money are better spent on actually solving problems that will make the future better and not just taking care of the next 24 hours. That's pretty vague I know but I don't want to go into more detail.
Anyhow Boy's and Girl's Club of Hutchinson Kansas is solving problems that are going to lead to a better future. They are affecting hundreds of kids' lives in a positive manner everyday. You can go to their website here and see some of the programs or you can contact them off the website and get more info on what's going on down there. We just helped them launch a Paypal powered donation system on their site and this is my call to action to you. All you have to do is go the http://www.bgchutch.com/ click on the "MAke a Donation" button enter your credit card or debit card info and help this club actually make difference. It's that fricking easy. No check to write, no nothing after that. You will recieve an email for your tax records and you can actually know that you made a difference in a positive way today.
Don't worry it is all secure and you info will be protected.
Ok, I am done.
Labels: Cody, Non-profit
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