The New Guy
So I'm Scott. I just started working here yesterday, and I actually just moved here from Indiana last week. Right now I'm living in an apartment with no furniture, so working is most definitely the highlight of my day (beating out the likes of "Standing in my kitchen to eat", "Sitting in a camping chair I borrowed", and "Sleeping in a pile of blankets on my floor"). My stuff comes tomorrow, so we'll see if that holds up.
But seriously... a little about me: I came from a job in Indiana where I was doing a lot of Flash programming and database integration for a non-profit educational program, so I'm hoping I can be useful to these folks and also learn a little bit about how this kinda stuff works in the business world. I'm also looking forward to having a good time here and enjoying my work and this new place as much as possible. It sounds like there are some good projects upcoming, and it'll be fun to take them on.
Besides work, I enjoy being active. I was a sprinter in college, and I still like to jog as much as life lets me. I also am a huge sports fan. Unfortunately, I grew up on the Cubs, so I'm still dealing with that. However, the Colts winning the Super Bowl is a little bit of a consolation, and it looks like the Cubs should at least be better this year. Other than that, I watch a lot of old movies and spend a lot of time piddling around on the Internet. So... that's me.
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