Jeep Doors
Here is a frustrating situation you come across sometimes in the quest for search engine rankings: You have a site that has thousands of pages, you pick certain keywords you want to dominate and begin optimizing, but in your initial research of your rankings you find that one certain keyword when searched brings up a different page than you want it to, our think it should. We have 2 instances of that with Jeep Doors and Jeep Wrangler Doors on all 3 major search engines brings up the home page of Why doesn't it bring up the jeep doors page of (located here) Because that page was very poorly optimized when this site was created and the optimization we have done on the home page of has made it rank very well in the engines for a lot of jeep related search phrases. Don't cry, we will fix it and bring the doors page around. It does put us at a serious disadvantage when we start though because one of the pages we are fighting for position is one of our own pages. Why does LogicMaze want the jeep doors page to be the specific page people land on when the search for jeep doors, because it gets them that much closer to the order page and get that much closer to a sale!
Ok I am posting this comment on May 6th 2006 and is number 1 on MSN for ;">Jeep Doors . We win!!
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