Flat Iron Meats - Because Everyone Likes a Gift of Good Food

Okay, so maybe it's because it's getting close to lunchtime, but I was looking over the assortment of products from Flat Iron Meats and was getting pretty hungry. That's one of the many advantages of doing website design for LogicMaze... you get paid to do things like that.
When I was growing up, every Friday night we had what we called a "snack supper". As an adult looking back, I realize that the biggest reason was that it was always a dinner that nobody had to cook (i.e. my mom - and who could blame her). But I remember what a treat that was for my brother and I and how cool we thought it was. It was usually Summer sausage, cheese, and crackers.
Now I admit I've only had the chance to try one of Flat Iron Meats products - their Beef Summer Sausage - and it was extremely good. But based on that I have to assume that their other selections are equally tasty. And while they have a fairly wide selection of beef products, there are some in particular that I am interested in trying.
Top on the list would be their Beef Summer Sausage with Jalapenos and Pepper Jack Cheese. I love spicy foods, and this just sounds like a great combination. Equally on the "snacky" side would be their All Beef Snack Sticks and their Old Fashioned Beef Jerky. Their All Beef Snack Sticks come in three different types - beef, beef jalapeno, and beef jalapeno cheese. Their Old Fashioned Beef Jerky is made from their same quality, source verified round cuts and comes in three different varieties - beef, hot beef, and jalapeno beef.
But of all of these products from Flat Iron Meats, what really tweaked my memory of the snack suppers we used to have were the Gift Boxes that include their great Summer sausage as well as Alma cheeses (which I've heard are very good). Maybe I'll have to pick up a Hearty Gift Box, a Spicy Gift Box, or a Combo Gift Box so my daughter and I can have our own snack suppers.
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