Monday, April 10, 2006

Jeep Stuff

Time for a little update , it's getting harder to make time for these updates but I will keep trying:

1. Jeep accessories - As of my last update we were #2 on MSN for "jeep accessories", we dropped, to # 3 out of 1.9 million results. It is the "Big Daddy" of key search phrases in this industry and it will be a constant battle to keep jeepsandstuff up there, but you know me, we will get to number 1 and continue the battle to stay there. Also made some huge leaps on Yahoo and Google that are leading to more visits and sales.

2. Warn Winch - same deal, it's a tough keyword, we will prevail but it just takes time, we have made huge leaps but I think it will probably be a month or so more before we see visits and sales from this search phrase.

3. Winches - The results did jump on this one but it's also a huge keyword, we will continue the good fight but right now we are concentrating on more industry specific key phrases, Read on!

4. Bestop - Ok time for some good news here: #2 on MSN for this keyword, the only site ahead of us is Bestop's official site. Also made significant jumps on Yahoo and Google, this is directly making money!!!!

5. Jeep liberty accessories - is making a huge push to increase their inventory for Jeep Liberty add-ons and we are dominating the search engines for this search phrase. Those 2 facts together will drastically increase sales over the next couple of months.

6. Jeep wrangler accessories - Jeep wranglers are definitely the most popular model and has a huge selection of accessories, all of our hard work bringing people to the site is slowly making it a leader on the internet.

7. Jeep Tops - Upto #6 on MSN and climbing in the other 2 search engines as well. This is definitely a top priority key phrase right now. Summer is coming and it's time for bikinis, jeep bikinis!

8. Jeep soft tops - Again a big time phrase for this time of year, we get alot of people to the site from this search and it's different variations.

9. Jeep Bumpers - still doing incredibly well for several variations of jeep bumpers as a search phrase and climbing rapidly for it as a specific search phrase.

10. Jeep Doors - climbing on Google and still #1 on MSN, that's right, #1 in the world, out of 1.4 million results. (LogicMaze pats themselves on the back!!!)

11. Jeep Windows - OK parties over we dropped on this one to... #2 on MSN out of 1.3 million results, still in the top 15 on Google and steadily climbing on Yahoo.

12. Jeep Wrangler Doors - Still #1 on MSN getting there on Google and Yahoo.

13. Jeep Seats - Last post I kinda whined about wanting to be number one for this search phrase, you will soon find out that I usually get what I want when it comes to search results. WE ARE NUMBER 1 ON MSN out of 1.6 million search results!! HA!

14. Jeep seat cover - Still working on getting all the focus to the right page on this one we want people to be as close to check out as possible and right now we have 2 pages showing up in the results for this search.

15. jeep bikini top - #7 on Google and #3 on MSN look out for summer, jeep hardtops are coming off and bikinis are going on. $$$$$$$$

16. Jeep hardtop - still kicking along with this one, it will probably get a little less or our attention of the next couple of months as hardtop season is kinda gone but we will make sure it is at the top before the end of summer!

17. Jeep hard top - See # 16

18. Warn - This one is a doozie since not only is it not jeep specific, but people might be looking for warnings about drugs or something, probably the broadest search phrase we have ever gone after, we are making progress but it will be slow.

19. Tire Covers - Broke into the top 40 on MSN and the top 100 on Google, look out here we come!!

20. Jeep mirror - Told ya we would be back, Top 10 on Google and MSN both!!!!

What if your company was number one in the world for the search terms that people are using to look for your product or services? You can go with a huge corporate marketing firm and spend a fortune and have them forget about you after your check cashes or you can click here!

this isn't the only project you are following we are also taking our clients after the keywords:
1. Illinois Deer Hunting
2. Mineral Makeup - 2 clients on that one, luckily they are in business together and friends or we would have a little mineral makeup war.
3. Kansas Electrician
4. And many other search phrases that we are performing internet marketing on so LogicMaze clients can DOMINATE the search engines.
Still wondering if search engine optimization works or if LogicMaze in little ol' Hutchinson Kansas can really benefit your website traffic and increase your business? Well if your still not convinced just stick around and keep tracking us here, we will win you over.




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