
How about that! Ashlenz Outfitters is #18 on MSN for hunting! That's a big deal, since it's such a broad term to go after with a lot of competition.
Pre-tty snazzy indeed!
I can't help but attribute it largely to the fact that I rock the Casbah.
Nevertheless, to get a website so high on a general term like hunting, is exactly what we're trying to do.
This month so far, according to my keyword suggest tool, hunting has been searched for 120,399 times on the Overture network. If we can even skim the top of that traffic, we've got a huge accomplishment.
Now all we have to do is turn all of those potential visits into conversions and we will be seeing dollar signs.
Now all we have to do is get Google and Yahoo! to show us some love on any terms, let alone broad ones like hunting.
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