Friday, April 21, 2006

Just like Summer Camp, but without the snake bite (or a window)

Yes, it's LogicMaze's newest employee, David, again. I'm rounding out my first week here and have to admit - I'm loving my job. We have daily meetings about why I have a better desk than one of my bosses (through no fault of mine), but apart from that it's been very smooth sailing. Now if we could only change the color of my office, since it most closely resembles an army munitions bunker.

In my first week of being all I can be, the majority of my work has been on projects for two of our clients.

The first of these is Pals Products, Inc, based out of good ol' Hutchinson, KS. Designing and manufacturing products which cater to both the quilt shop and the avid home quilter, they have expressed interest in a redesign of their website, as well as adding e-commerce capabilities. So my first two days with the company were spent doing just that, working on a new look for Pals Products, Inc. Check back here for launch information when their new site is ready.

My second project this week was for a company based out of Brentwood, TN called Progress3 Capital, LLC. They are developing a retail, office, and residential project in Franklin, TN called Jamison Station. LogicMaze is currently working on the branding and logo development for this project. Once again, check back here for further developments.

Without gushing too much, I can safely say that I have not had a job where I've enjoyed the first week as much as I have here. Stay tuned till next week.
Same bat-time, same bat-channel.


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