Saturday, April 15, 2006

Search Engine Domination!!!

Here's a fun game:

I am gonna list just a few of the keyphrases that LogicMaze clients dominate search engines for.

Ok quick dislaimer, these blatant braggings I am about to post are as of this blog entry going to print. Obviously things can change, if people don't continue to market their sites rankings will drop because other people will pass them up!!

Let's start with MSN:
Why don't you search for any of these key phrases.

1. Jeep Doors
2. Jeep Wrangler Accessories
3. Illinois Deer Hunting
4. Pike County Illinois Hunting
5. Jeep Windows
6. Kansas Electrician
7. Generators in Kansas

Again, read the disclaimer but as of right now while I am typing this LogicMaze clients are #1 in the world for these searches on

OK how about Google:

1. Kansas Website Designer - sorry couldn't resist, our website is #1!!!!
2. Sheer Mineral Makeup
3. Kansas Internet Marketing - sorry again, thats us at numer one out of 27 million results!!

Ok I am tired, it's 4:00 in the morning and I need sleep!
How about Josh's post on whitewater rafting? Talk about needing some sleep.
Anyhow if you want your company to Dominate the searh engines click here.



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