Monday, April 24, 2006

The ever popular jeep accessories update!!

Ok here we go again with , I know some folks might get bored of hearing about it, but we like to talk about our successes and this is our blog.

1. Jeep accessories - Again this is our biggest Industry specific keyword. #3 on MSN, moved up 34 spots on Google and 29 spots on Yahoo. Not to bad for 14 days worth of work.

2. Warn Winch - Ok, you can go back through all the blogs about and see where I was kinda stalling, this is a huge key phrase and it is not Jeep specific so we are competing against a lot larger group of websites. #11 on MSN out of 166,663 results. Enough said.

3. Winches - I'm stalling on this one.

4. Bestop- Here we go. MSN #4 out of 967,573 results, Google #24 out of 857,00 results and Yahoo, (yes Yahoo is coming around for us) #17 out of 536,000 results. Look out here we come.

5. Jeep liberty accessories - Top ten on MSN and Google and #12 on Yahoo. 739,000 results on Yahoo.

6. Jeep wrangler accessories - Top 20 on Google and Yahoo and #1 on MSN, yep, #1 out of 566,480 results.

7. Jeep Tops - Dropped a little on this one but still high enough on all 3 search engines to produce visits. Gotta sell those jeep bikinis!

8. Jeep soft tops - Again a big time phrase for this time of year, we get alot of people to the site from this search and it's different variations.

9. Jeep Bumpers - To 20 on Google and Yahoo, big ticket key phrase.

10. Jeep Doors - #1 on MSN, #9 on Google and #6 on Yahoo. LogicMaze has taken to the point of honestly dominating the search engines throughout the entire world for jeep doors.

11. Jeep Windows - Still #2 on MSN and #6 on Yahoo Google dropped a littl bit but we can't have all of our competitors mad at us!!!

12. Jeep Wrangler Doors - Dropped to #2 out of 282,213 results but we jumped up 41 places on Yahoo.

13. Jeep Seats - Dropped to #2 on MSN but jumped 21 places on Google.

14. Jeep seat cover - Still working on getting all the focus to the right page on this one we want people to be as close to check out as possible and right now we have 2 pages showing up in the results for this search.

15. jeep bikini top - #5 on Google and #2 on MSN and way up from last update #15 onYahoo, Yahoo is really coming on strong and looks to be the next big boost of visitors to

16. Jeep hardtop - Again this we probably not get a fair share of our attention over the next couple of months. You have to understand that if you want to dominate the search engones, your search engine optimization has to be an ongoing plan and to stay within a set budget certain business practices have to be factored in. This keyword is going to be big priority at the end of the summer.

17. Jeep hard top - See # 16

18. Warn- This is another one that we have had to stall while we fought hard to get in, guess what #21 on MSN out of 5.5 million results, look out!

19. Tire Covers - Still working, kinda stalling?

20. Jeep mirror - Top Ten on Google, #1 on MSN and #21 on Yahoo, domination!!!!

What if your company was number one in the world for the search terms that people are using to look for your product or services? You can go with a huge corporate marketing firm and spend a fortune and have them forget about you after your check cashes or you can click here!

this isn't the only project you are following we are also taking our clients after the keywords:
1. Illinois Deer Hunting
2. Mineral Makeup - 2 clients on that one, luckily they are in business together and friends or we would have a little mineral makeup war.
3. Kansas Electrician
4. And many other search phrases that we are performing internet marketing on so LogicMaze clients can DOMINATE the search engines.
Still wondering if search engine optimization works or if LogicMaze in little ol' Hutchinson Kansas can really benefit your website traffic and increase your business? Well if your still not convinced just stick around and keep tracking us here, we will win you over.




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