Illinois hunting

Should I give you the scoop on the new numbers? I hope that was a yes. Our big winner this time around is "Illinois deer hunting" on Google. Ashlenz went from not being in the top 100 for this keyword to making its first appearance at #19, a jump of 81+. Illinois hunting lodge also made its Google debut at #80, up 20+ places. Now those aren't top 10 numbers, I know. However, every keyword has to climb the ranks and its reassuring to know that these two have begun their journey to the top of the Google results. Google was also up 16 places for Illinois deer, 43 places for Illinois outfitter, 4 places for Illinois hunting, and 5 places for Illinois trophy buck.
Google may have been the main focus this update, but let me point out that "Illinois hunting" made it to #1 on MSN. That's right! Ashlenz Outfitters is the top result for both Illinois hunting and Illinois deer hunting. I seem to recall, in a previous post that I made, a promise to get Ashlenz to number one for those keywords. LogicMaze loves it when we get to the top and live up to our promises!
Yahoo, of course, is taking it's time like always, but we are making progress. This week we saw small jumps for Illinois deer hunting guide, Pike County deer hunting, and both Illinois outfitters and Illinois outfitter.
I will keep you posted on more results as they come in. In the meantime, why not give LogicMaze of Hutchinson, Kansas a call today. Cody would be happy to fill you in on our excellent search engine optimization programs. Obviously, they work. So now you just need to get up the initiative to take charge of your website's search engine results. I guarantee that we have a package that would fit your budget. I hope everyone enjoys the weekend, I know I will!
josh web designer
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