Peterson Predictive Maintenance - Beginning Final Countdown to Launch

As you may recall from my previous posts (here and here) LogicMaze is providing a serious overhaul to the website for Peterson Predictive Maintenance. We have certainly stepped it up several notches as far as website design, but have also reorganized the content and added a number of new items as well. More to the point... we are just a hair's breadth away from a final site launch on this baby.
Peterson Predictive Maintenance specializes in the use of infrared thermal imaging and ultrasonic detection to the benefit of a wide variety of industries. PPM uses these technologies to locate and diagnose problems areas in equipment and systems before they become critical and unnecessarily expensive, allowing the schedule of maintenance and repair with a minimum of cost and downtime. Therein lies the advantage of predictive maintenance - you have the knowledge that allows you to make only the replacements, service, and repairs that you need to as they are needed - instead of the unnecessary costs involved in regularly scheduled maintenance or system failure.
Check back here soon for our final announcement on the official launch of Peterson Predictive Maintenance's new website - as well as other marketing and promotional materials LogicMaze will be generating for this exciting and rapidly growing business.
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