A Big Ol' Box of Awesome
LogicMaze is proud to announce the launch of the brand spankin' new American Packaging redesign.
LogicMaze is a full service WebDesign and Marketing Company in Hutchinson Kansas.
LogicMaze is proud to announce the launch of the brand spankin' new American Packaging redesign.
LogicMaze had the pleasure of designing and programming the new Hutchinson High School Salthawk’s website. In this project we pushed a new technology known as Light boxes. These light boxes remove the need of having multiple windows or tabs to view pictures and other content. Check it out on the photo gallery and roster.
Also on this site we created a system to allow a listing of alumni. Alumni can sign up on the site if they wish to be listed; of course it has to be confirmed before it is listed publicly on the website.
The Salthawks have been on a record breaking streak and our looking to add their 7th Consecutive State Championship in this upcoming season.