Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Blake Shelton's Raindance

Last year, country singer/songwriter Blake Shelton created Raindance to support victims of wildfires in Oklahoma. The three-day event raised more than $133,600. He's doing it again this year, and we've updated the site.
Events at Raindance include live performances from Blake Shelton and friends, archery and team roping. Raindance will take place April 21-24 the location will be announced soon.
Be sure to take a look at it for news, event times and performance announcements.

Friday, February 23, 2007

A Great Kansas Non-profit.

I kinda have this really drastic approach to my thought process on non-profits or charities that I choose to support with my time or money. I am not a big fan of Band-aid solutions to problems. I think peoples time and money are better spent on actually solving problems that will make the future better and not just taking care of the next 24 hours. That's pretty vague I know but I don't want to go into more detail.

Anyhow Boy's and Girl's Club of Hutchinson Kansas is solving problems that are going to lead to a better future. They are affecting hundreds of kids' lives in a positive manner everyday. You can go to their website here and see some of the programs or you can contact them off the website and get more info on what's going on down there. We just helped them launch a Paypal powered donation system on their site and this is my call to action to you. All you have to do is go the click on the "MAke a Donation" button enter your credit card or debit card info and help this club actually make difference. It's that fricking easy. No check to write, no nothing after that. You will recieve an email for your tax records and you can actually know that you made a difference in a positive way today.

Don't worry it is all secure and you info will be protected.

Ok, I am done.

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Wedding Fireworks

I joked in our other blog about getting married for the purpose of making reference to Rainbow Fireworks. The truth is that wedding fireworks is a sure-fire way to add some originality to your wedding and make sure that it is a truly memorable experience for everyone.
Of course, you might just get the other guys in trouble with their wives because they didn't have fireworks at their weddings. Nevertheless, if you're interested in a wedding fireworks show, contact our friends at Rainbow Fireworks and see what they can do for you. The possiblilities are nearly endless.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

12 Steps to a Better Ride

Tired of falling off of the horse (litterally, not metaphorically)? Well we know somebody that can help!
Karen Russell has developed the 12 Steps to a Better Ride, a series of steps that he horse and the rider can develope together to acheive balance for peak performance. Karen Russell has been training horses and riders for more than 30 years, making her an authority on horsemanship skills.
The site feature her new kit, which consists of a DVD, Book and Cue Cards, all there to help you develope the necessary relationship with your horse to work as a team. Check out the preview of her video!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Acra Plant

New to the LogicMaze portfolio of sites: Acra Plant.

Acra Plant is a division of Shield Agriculture that offers a full line of precision planting/seeding solutions.
Be sure to check their site out at

Monday, February 12, 2007

Travel Time

One of these days, I assume I may get some vacation from here, and I'll prob want to take a trip to somewhere else in the world. Whenever that time comes, I plan to talk to First National Travel Agency and see if they can find me any vacation deals. My girlfriend is really interested in taking a Caribbean cruise, but I'm not sure. First National also offers barge travel, which could be a pretty interesting vacation.

Either way, I'm sure the helpful Hutchinson travel agents from First National can find us a great price on a great trip.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

McPherson Realtor

So when I was working on moving out here to Kansas, and looking for a place to live, I decided to live in Hutchinson. If I'd wanted to live in McPherson, I definitely would have called Arbuckle Realty. They have search listings in McPherson with lots of houses to choose from. It's really too bad I wanted to live in Hutchinson. They also have lots of helpful realtors in McPherson to choose from, so you can easily find one you like. It's pretty much the hot spot for Kansas Real Estate.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The New Guy

So I'm Scott. I just started working here yesterday, and I actually just moved here from Indiana last week. Right now I'm living in an apartment with no furniture, so working is most definitely the highlight of my day (beating out the likes of "Standing in my kitchen to eat", "Sitting in a camping chair I borrowed", and "Sleeping in a pile of blankets on my floor"). My stuff comes tomorrow, so we'll see if that holds up.

But seriously... a little about me: I came from a job in Indiana where I was doing a lot of Flash programming and database integration for a non-profit educational program, so I'm hoping I can be useful to these folks and also learn a little bit about how this kinda stuff works in the business world. I'm also looking forward to having a good time here and enjoying my work and this new place as much as possible. It sounds like there are some good projects upcoming, and it'll be fun to take them on.

Besides work, I enjoy being active. I was a sprinter in college, and I still like to jog as much as life lets me. I also am a huge sports fan. Unfortunately, I grew up on the Cubs, so I'm still dealing with that. However, the Colts winning the Super Bowl is a little bit of a consolation, and it looks like the Cubs should at least be better this year. Other than that, I watch a lot of old movies and spend a lot of time piddling around on the Internet. So... that's me.