
While being held captive by insurgents, I tried to phone the nice folks at Traveltron. It was busy, so I tried again. Later in the week I got through. According to their records the real Josh was in Kentucky, so they thought it was a prank and hung up on me. It was kinda funny. No, actually it wasn't.
I finally escaped the insurgents, stole a car, and stopped off for a burger at McDonald's (or the Iraqi equivalent of a McDonalds called ¸¸µ∂µ¸∂). I then took off driving across the desert trying to find a better vacation spot. After driving several hours, I crossed the border into Turkey. There I found a Turkish Pay Phone and again called Traveltron. They unfortunately refused to believe that Turkey was a country and again hung up on me. Ibeginningining to think I wasn't even speaking with a real person.
I will not go into details, but after riding in the back of a truck with 100 chickens, a canoe trip, an awkward game of truth or dare, a very long boat ride, and a horrible time at US customs, I made it back home.
I wanted to go to the office of Traveltron 5000, but I discovered there is no office. I tried to find a live person associated with the company, but with no luck. I knew I should have gone to First National Travel. Josh Krannawitter Web Designer Awesome Web Design