Monday, May 29, 2006


At midnight on May 22nd I was a little groggy and needed sleep and did a horrible thing! I got ridiculous and made the statement on this blog that LogicMaze Webdesigns could take Carol's Skin Essentials and Glowing Minerals to number 1 and Number 2 on MSN for the search phrase: Makeup. Everyone here in the office thought that was a little too gutsy as neither of them were on the top 25 pages in MSN for makeup when I made that statement. So I am sorry, I shouldn't have said that LogicMaze's search engine optimization team could rule MSN search for Makeup. Makeup is too big of a search term and we are just a little bitty Hutchinson Kansas Web firm.

HA, just kidding!
On May 22nd if you searched MSN for makeup you would not find Carol's Skin Essentials our Glowing Minerals. Today (exactly one week later) they are #33 and #41 out of over 10 million results, respectively, and climbing. We will win this! If you don't think being number one for a term like makeup will help a Hutchinson Kansas small business increase sales and provided an incredible return on investment, you are just naive. Can you imagine how many women search the internet for Makeup everyday. What if we took 2 small town Kansas businesses and made them the number one and nuumber two search results for Makeup!!! Holy Crap will the Avon lady and Ms. Mary Kay be upset.


Friday, May 26, 2006

Graphic Design VS Website Design - Oh, the Interactivity!

Yes, I'm back again to share a few more of my observations on this topic - the differences between graphic design (i.e. designing for more traditional print media - newspaper, brochure, flyers, billboards, fleet graphics, etc.) and website design. I'm learning a great deal here at, so I thought it would make sense to share.

With the notable exception of the pop-up book (which, even at 35, I still think are super cool), there is not one example of traditional print media that offers anything like true interactivity with the user/observer. It is a very static media with a very passive interaction with the user (I won't get drawn off onto a tangent about e-ink, though I may cover that at another time as print and web media begin to converge with the help of this technology). Not that it doesn't have it's place, and not that it won't be around for the foreseeable future. It is still necessary to use creativity, talent, and skill to create engaging and effective graphic design. But the passivity of the media is its largest drawback.

By contrast, website design offers a range of options and a level of engagement that far surpass print media and conventional graphic design on many levels.
To be able to use full color images with no additional overhead (i.e. printing costs) is huge of itself. To be able to just as freely use interactive navigation elements (buttons, rollover images, pop-up or pull-down menus) provides an important interaction beyond just the basic appearance - the knowledge that you are steering your own course through the information, that you are allowed, and invited, to make choices. Add to that an enormous selection of other engaging media that can enhance or amplify the message of your design - music, sound effects, animation, movies, etc. - and you have a wealth of options far beyond those possible in graphic design/print media.

We are all familiar with the studies that show how more information is retained and greater interest generated by a message when more of our senses are engaged by it. So graphic design caters to our primary sense - sight. That is important, but employing motion and sound take it to a much higher level. And with the impending releases of other web enabled devices like the iSmell and SENX machines - you will be able to engage people's senses of smell and even taste. Try that with your newspaper and see if it makes the content more interesting!

I submit that there is a more important sense that is utilized by website design and all that is has to offer - the sense of choice.

Website design stands out as one of the most engaging means that we can communicate ideas and information short of person to person contact. That you would have something meaningful to communicate about......well, that's a topic for another blog. Regardless of your message, your business, or your level of experience - is more than capable of bringing this powerful and engaging media to serve your needs.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Marketing and client updates from LogicMaze - #1 Kansas website designer

You know the expression.... "big things come in little packages". That holds true for many things, and certainly so for our company, It is rare that you will find more bang for your buck, or more market influence than from a company as lean and concentrated as LogicMaze.

Take, for example, how a small company here in Hutchinson, KS can rank higher* (MSN search engine standings) than every other website design company or website designer in the world. LogicMaze is a regular contender for the #1 spot on MSN for "website designer". How does that happen? Well, you can be sure it isn't luck that makes it happen. Just like it isn't luck that drives up the search engine ranking for those clients of ours who take advantage of one of our marketing plans - including Search Engine Optimization (SEO). So with persistence, foresight, and the right tools - LogicMaze can compete pound-for-pound with any other website design company out there. You have to admit... it's pretty impressive (I'll admit my own bias on the subject).

It is with those same skills and tools that LogicMaze is able to drive the business for two of our more prominent clients whose business is makeup and skin care products - and . Each of these clients carry a diverse range of products to suit different skin care and makeup needs, and each has a focused marketing plan that places a healthy emphasis on internet marketing. Not that I can offer my own first-hand testimonials for their products, but I can say that both are serious businesses with a litany of very happy and very vocal customers. Not to sound like a broken record... but how did most of those people find them, in order to become customers? It's okay.. it's a rhetorical question. Through the internet marketing tools offered by (you guessed it)

In other news, my work for Pals Products is rapidly coming to its final stages, with the help of our fearless leader and Lead Designer, Tamara Heitschmidt. Tamara is helping to construct the bones of the site based upon my design work for the client - and we will be fleshing out the final details in the next few business days. I believe the clients are going to be extremely satisfied - particularly by comparison (remember... I mentioned getting a tremendous bang for your buck here).

And lastly, I wanted to give a shout out for our own news page - . I would hate for it to get overlooked, considering it is a ready source for updates and news regarding our company. Please stop by and see what's new. That's the thing about working in this industry... every day is a NEW day, so there's always something to learn and look forward to.

Kansas Church

Just a quick update on Our Redeemer Lutheran Church (ORL) of Hutchinson, Kansas.

It was just a few days ago that I mentioned our drive to get ORL to the #1 spot for Kansas Church on the search engines. Sometime since then, ORL has moved to #1 on MSN. Is it a miracle? Though I refuse to take full credit for it's abrupt move to #1, I guarantee that our mastery of marketing techniques and understanding of search engines has a little to do with it.

Yahoo and Google are in hot pursuit of getting ORL to #1 for Kansas Church as well. I will keep you all updated. In the meantime, put LogicMaze to work for your website. What are your customers searching for? LogicMaze can help you determine that and then get your site in those search results. Do you really need more proof? Contact LogicMaze today!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Power of Blog - LogicMaze Lens for Sharp Focus

Well, in my continuing education here at LogicMaze, I am learning about many new things, new technologies, and new ways to apply them. Having spent most of my career thus far in either graphic design (for print media) or in a technical specialist capacity (IS/IT... depends on the company you're talking about) - a number of these techniques and services are new to me.

Strictly speaking, LogicMaze doesn't engage in these activities just for grins, but in the constant (and damn near obsessive) pursuit of driving business for our clients (and therefore, for ourselves). After all, we work in an industry where we can only thrive by best serving others.

Of these services/techniques, none is more fascinating to me than the one you are reading right now - our blog. Though evolving from early Usenet groups and bulletin board systems which predate the internet as we know it today, the blog in its familiar form has been around since 1997. And it has grown from a casual fancy into an extremely powerful tool.

Without going into a protracted disection of the structure of a common blog, its links, and how it effects those pages/sites that it refers to - allow me to make a more holistic analogy. I would compare a blog to a lens. Let me explain.

The internet has only a few forms of currency that it thrives on, the largest of which is attention. You pay in that currency when you do anything online by where you go, what you choose to view and read, and what you buy. This is very much the "if a tree falls in the forest..." scenario. If you have a fantastic website with engaging and useful information - and nobody pays attention - then what you have is the digital equivalent of a paperweight. It's just taking up space, and nothing more. But add people's attention to that equation - where people visit, engage, and interact with your information and content - then you have a potentially powerful tool.

Wasn't this supposed to be about blogs? Yes, so let me reign this tangent in a bit. Excellent website + attention = potentially powerful tool. Not bad. With a blog, however, I am seeing a new level to this equation.

With a relevant blog, properly connected to your sites and your pertinent content, it can act as a lens to focus the vast expanse of attention paid out on the internet and direct it in a meaningful fashion as you see fit. Like the light from the sun, packets of energy/information that spread in literally all directions (and if that weren't the case, why would search engines be so popular, right?) you can bring that chaos and disarray down to a needlelike point wherever you like.

So what is it that is making me a believer - that shows me how powerful a tool this can be for any online business or venture? Simply real world results. When I can watch the effects that a good blog can have on a business in the matter of a few days, with results that can be tracked and verified in a matter of minutes - I can't help but believe. When LogicMaze, with one of our marketing packages, can radically effect search engine standings for our clients - it follows suit that more attention is being paid to that client. And in this E-conomy, being paid greater attention is a currency readily exchanged into the kind we can use to heat our homes and feed our families.

Don't be surprised when I blog more in the future about just that - blogs. Who would have thought that from such humble beginnings of people's online diaries could emerge such a powerful marketing tool. For the moment, let's just say that I'm a believer.


Did you freaking see that Josh got the Ashlenz Outfitters website to number 8 on MSN for "Hunting" WOW. Search Engine Optimization at it's finest. While we are just bragging to brag, if you happened to go to MSN and search for website designer, you might find a little Hutchinson Ks company named LogicMaze sitting at number ......... 1! That's right Number 1 in the freaking world. Search Engine Optimization when done right works and it drives traffic which leads to sales and that leads to retirement hopefully early. Contact LogicMaze here!


Monday, May 22, 2006


Alright screw it, it's exactly midnight and I am tired of blogging about mineral makeup so I am going to make one of the now infamous LogicMaze cocky predictions. We are going to take Carol's Skin Essentials and Glowing Minerals to number one on MSN for the search phrase makeup. I know you think I am crazy, LogicMaze in Hutchinson Ks thinks they can take a Hutchinson Ks based Mineral Makeup distributor website to number one on MSN for the keyword makeup? Yes, we can! We will pass all of the makeup websites you can think of. We will pass all of the big shopping sites selling makeup, we will pass every website in the entire world that has anything about makeup on it. We will take Glowing Minerals and Carol's Skin Essentials to number one and number two in no particular order on a MSN search for makeup and no one can stop us. OK sorry it's late and I got to rambling there a little bit.
What makes us think we can be so cocky? First of all these are smart makeup companies. They have dedicated a budget to monthly search engine optimization and they know that if we do bold things like trying to rule the search engines for monstrous keywords like makeup, we can truly make their makeup businesses successful. Think if everyone in the world that searches for makeup is smacked in the face with not one but two LogicMaze designed makeup websites. Do you think it will increase their makeup sales. I THINK SO!!! Stay tuned I will decide in the morning if this is ridiculous or not.


Skin Care Products

OK, I am on a roll, now I will tell you all about skin care products and how we are doing search engine optimization for Glowing Minerals and Carol's Skin Essentials for their skin care line as well.
Obviously skin care ia huge search term and getting any website to the top of a major search engine for a term like skin care is daunting task. LogicMaze will take on the task of doing search engine optimization for skin care not only for one mineral makeup (and skin care) website but for 2. HA! Stay tuned and see what we can do!!!!!


Mineral Makeup 2

Ok, I just got done saying how blogging about mineral makeup kinda makes me feel goofy and what do I do but start another blog about mineral makeup.

The folks at Glowing Minerals are friends of Carol Norris' and they kinda came to us together and wanted us to go ahead and market both of these mineral makeup websites. In most circumstances we couldn't do search engine optimization on 2 different websites selling the exact same mineral makeup, but in this instance 2 friends came to us together and therefor it's not considered a conflict if interest.
Glowing minerals told us form the start that as there website designer they wanted us design their website with more of a modern woman approach, "make it a website for the the working mother" they said. So we took a little different approach in the website design than we did for Carol's skin essentials website. Glowing Minerals has a different look but still offers the same quality mineral makeup everyone has come to expect when they order mineral makeup from a Dechant Sheer Minerals certified representative. Mineral Makeup is big business and the fact that both of these websites are in the top ten for a mineral makeup search on MSN makes us here at LogicMaze proud of our search engine optimization practices.


Mineral Makeup

Mineral Makeup is a hot item these days. You see it all over infomercials and the internet. I feel a little goofy blogging about Mineral Makeup, so let me get right to the marketing part of it all.

Carol's Skin Essentials is a certified dealer of Dechant Sheer Minerals. This Mineral Makeup line came out of Hutchinson Kansas and has grown into a good size business with dealers and distributors in several states. Carol Norris from Carol's Skin Essentials has been with Dechant Sheer Minerals from the beginning and now her website is doing a wonderful job of letting women around the world know how good Mineral makeup is for all types of skin. Her website does focus on the benefits of mineral makeup for mature skin, but she does want everyone to remember that women of any age can benefit from the all natural mineral makeup line.

Enter LogicMaze, Carol asked us to be her website designer and do the search engine optimization as well. We have the site in the top ten for mineral makeup search on MSN and rapidly climbing in Yahoo and Google.

I am gonna start posting regularly and incorporate this into my regular blogs to keep everyone up to date on the search engine optimization progress of this Mineral Makeup website.


Pike County Illinois Hunting

Time for an update on Illinois deer hunting. Are you excited? I am. We have had excellent results on all three major search engines, with outstanding results on MSN.

Let's start with MSN. If you are looking on MSN for anything involving Pike County, deer hunting, outfitters, or just hunting in general, I guarantee you will run across Ashlenz outfitters. Let me give you a list of keywords that currently rank at #1:

That's right. Ashlenz Outfitters owns the top spot for those 12 popular search terms. In addition to that, take a look at these results:

I hope you all agree that there are some amazing results coming out of LogicMaze here in Hutchinson, Kansas.

Google and Yahoo are trying hard to catch up. Here are a few results that I would like to highlight:

Obviously we have reached our goal on MSN. Every keyword that we focused on has made it to #1. Now I am going to pay some close attention to Yahoo and Google. Yahoo is always behind the others in getting results to the top, as I have mentioned before. Google is not as fast as MSN in showing results, but is typically faster than Yahoo. Google, however, has been a little finicky lately. I am confident that Ashlenz will have success similar to MSN with Yahoo and Google. I will try to be patient, and report back when I have new numbers.

In the meantime, have you considered internet marketing or search engine optimization?LogicMaze of Hutchinson, Ks can bring you the results you want! Contact us today to get your site to the top of the search engine rankings.

Kansas Church

Well, if you haven't noticed, Cody seems to be focusing in on Kansas Church as a main keyword for Our Redeemer Lutheran Church of Hutchinson, Kansas.

At first we wondered if it was a "good thing" to compete against other churches to be #1 for keywords such as Kansas Church and Kansas Lutheran Church. A marketing campaign is not usually something that goes hand in hand with religion. It was hard to picture any other Kansas Church checking search results to see where their church ranks for Kansas Church.

Don't get me wrong though, I doubt Pastor Tom and the congregation are up at night googling Kansas Church to see where they fit in. In fact, I'm pretty sure that Cody and I are the only two individuals paying attention to the ranking results of Kansas Lutheran Church.

Although I still can't come up with one reason why church marketing is a good thing, I have determined that it is not a bad thing. So with that in mind, I would like to mention that Our Redeemer Lutheran Church (ORL) of Hutchinson, Kansas is a terrific Kansas Church. If you are looking for a Kansas Lutheran Church, ORL would be an excellent choice. If you would like to take a look at the website, just click - Kansas Church.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Peterson Predictive Maintenance - Infrared Imaging & Ultrasound - James Bond eat your heart out!

This has got to be, far and away, one of the coolest businesses I've seen in a long time. Chuck Peterson's business, Peterson Predictive Maintenance, LLC, is leading the curve when it comes to cool technology being used in creative ways. Some of these things you truly have to see to believe.

LogicMaze is very proud to have taken on Peterson Predictive Maintenance (PPM) as a full-service client. From logo design, to website redesign, to conference presentations, to printed marketing materials - we will be providing a wide range of services for our newest client. And don't get me wrong... we consider ourselves to be pretty cool in a lot of ways. But Chuck and his PPM business has us beat hands down in the cool uses for high tech department.

Using a powerful combination of infrared imaging cameras and ultrasound monitoring/recording devices, Peterson Predictive Maintenance provides a service that literally pays for itself many times over. As the name of the company makes it plain, predictive maintenance is the key - finding and solving potential problems before they become critical systems failures putting dollars and health at risk.

You should check out the image gallery of his current website (brazen self-promotion warning: soon to be that much cooler website when LogicMaze gets done with it). It is full of side-by-side comparison images which show conventional photographs right next to their thermal/infrared counterparts. Imagine being able to localize a highly specific electrical short inside a huge panel box with many connections in a matter of seconds. Or being able to identify a pressure leak or loose powerline connection from 300 feet away.

But it is worth keeping in mind that no business, no matter how cool, can truly achieve its potential unless people know about it. So check back here for future updates and news regarding our work for Peterson Predictive Maintenance. We are going to have Chuck hopping with the increase in attention he is going to get. Booyah! - Pals Products update and a growing marketing believer

For those of you who have been closely following this story, I have a production update on the further development of the new site for, the face of Pals Products, LLC.

LogicMaze has continued development on their revised site, streamlining the content delivery side of the site's architecture for a number of reasons. The largest three of which are faster site load times, greater visibility to your major search engines, and easier maintenance/expansion when the site's content needs to change or when new product lines are added.

I have also begun the process of editing video content for the site to act as instruction and illustration of several of their product lines. Reading my blog entries you will hear me talk repeatedly about my own interest and passion for motion graphics and interactive content. Call it a throwback to my video gaming roots as a kid - but in the present it makes me extremely interested in any content that can engage the viewer/client on more than one level.

Whether you're talking about communicating an artist's motives for a body of work or putting the extra shine on the products or services that your business offers - the research on the effectiveness of rich content media can hardly be denied.

So what do I get out of this particular blog entry? On one hand, something that I already knew and was convinced of - that engaging content is worth the time and trouble for the effect it has on the audience (schlock that is just quickly thrown out there is just as quickly forgotten).
On the other hand, something that I am rapidly coming to appreciate - that a thoughtful and experienced approach to website design can reap benefits far beyond a site's appearance. In the case of a business, it can mean the difference between surviving and thriving.

With a little blatant self-promotion here, I feel comfortable in saying that LogicMaze is only concerned with those things that will allow our clients to do the latter - to THRIVE.
As that is the only way that we can thrive ourselves.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Website design vs. graphic design

Now within my second month here at LogicMaze, I've already had the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects - and begin to learn a lot more about web design. This will probably be a topic that I return to on a regular basis, but my interest has been prompted by a number of clear distinctions I see between graphic design for print media and website design. These are my own observations, to be added to or revised with experience.

Having most recently been doing graphic design work for vehicle and fleet graphics, the first distinction I notice between that design end and web design is proximity. Whereas in print design to be applied to an automobile, truck, or semi-trailer - you have a responsibility to create an appealing design that is also effective in terms of it's viewable range. Meaning, if you can read the pertinent info on a vehicle from 150 ft away instead of just 30 ft away, you have greatly increased the number of visible impressions that graphic can make for the client.

But in the case of web content and website design, this is just one of many differences. The proximity of your target audience is reasonably fixed within a very narrow range - anywhere between 18-36 inches. And because of that very personal range, the website designer has the leeway, if not the need, to focus more on the clarity and relevance of his content - albeit in a structured and appealing fashion.
That is not to say that quality of content doesn't play a part in good or effective graphic design for print media. It does. But my impression is that it plays a much more important role in website design, where the audience is up close and personal, often sitting comfortably, and usually searching in an active manner for information.

By no means meant to come across sounding like a doctoral dissertation, these are my own personal observations made from within my new, and very enjoyable, career with You will learn from my entries here that I'm not bashful about sharing my opinions and observations, nor about revising them as necessary.

Look for more entries along these lines, and feel free to post your comments to offer your own insight into the differences, similarities, and relative importance of these two design media. Let's just say I'm happy to be able to soak up so much new and fascinating information in my new career.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Website Designer

On Fri. May 5th I made a gutsy blog entry! I made the statement that we were going after #1 on MSN search for the key phrase"website designer". Website designer is no pud keyword to go after, first of all we are going against hundreds of thousands of website designer websites around the world. Second of all we are going against folks who as a website designer should be excellent at search engine optimization. Well last Friday we were number 16 out of alomst 17 million results, right now if you go to MSN and search for website designer you find LogicMaze at # 9! We will be #1 !!


Friday, May 12, 2006

Pals Products ( ) and logo design

Week 4 here in my new career, and I'm still a very happy camper. More on that later.

A very healthy portion of this week has been used to further the development of the new site for Pals Products - The majority of our pages are built and work continues on sweetening product shots for incorporation into the individual product line pages. Along these lines, I have also been fortunate to have the help of our Lead Designer - Tamara Heitschmidt. It is obvious that with her extensive experience in this industry, I am working in a place where I can learn a great deal from smart and talented people.

In addition, I've also been reviewing the video we shot for their product tutorials as we will be moving into an editing/compositing phase very soon. Having purchased some new equipment to aid us in this process, this will be another interesting element to work on and bring to the site.

In other news, I've had more opportunities recently to work on logo designs for new clients. I find it an exciting challenge to create the visual, iconic identity of a business - and these have been no exception. As such visually oriented beings, is it any wonder that we respond to the single image like that and make such complex associations to go with it. That is a bit of a tangent, I realize, but it is one of the many things that make and keep this kind of work interesting.

Check back here for further updates on Pals Products and, as well as information on these new clients, when it is suitable to post. Things are still really hopping around LogicMaze, and I'm digging it!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Jeep accessories

Ok, jeep accessories ,
Imagine you had an internet business and you knew you had good product and you could be competitive on price and you were the type of people that were gonna offer great customer service. All the pieces are in place, the store is set up the inventory is in place and you are ready to open for business. Only one key ingredient missing, right? Right!!! Customers!!!! had the foresight to realize that even though their website was done and they could handle everything from presentation to making the sale to delivering the product, they were gonna need help getting people into their online store. And of course they sell jeep accessories!

Now if you lived in Hutchinson, Ks and you sold widgets, you would want to be accessible to everyone in Hutchinson Ks that wanted to buy a widget, right? So you put an ad in the phone book right? Well yes, that is still a neccessary step but actually you would probably get more sales if you had a little search engine optimization done and made your website come up on a Google or MSN or Yahoo search for widgets in Hutchinson Kansas. But wait, this internet thing goes all over the world right, you should at least be in the top ten for a search for widgets in Kansas right? Wow I wonder what it would cost to be ranked in the top ten for widgets in the United States. Is it even possible to be on the first couple of pages for a widgets search, just widgets no other geographical or descriptive terms? Think of all the people in the entire world searching for widgets, if everyone of them saw your website, visits and true potential customers would go through the roof right? Yes they would! doesn't sell widgets they sell jeep accessories and right now as I am 2 fingered typing this blog entry, everyone in the entire world who goes to MSN and does a search for jeep accessories is smacked in the face with sitting right there at number 1. Number 1 out of 4.1 million results that MSN finds for jeep accessories. Not a search for jeep accessories in Hutchinson Kansas, not a search for jeep accessories in the United States, just jeep accessories. If you don't see that as an exciting marketing element and a testament to search engine optimization and LogicMaze's ability to produce results, then keeping sitting there and wishing you had more visitors to your website and more potential customers and more sales. It just works plain and simple. With search engine optimization your can plainly track your results and clearly see the increase in sales. It is the most effective and the most trackable means of marketing there is and LogicMaze can do it for you at a highly competitive rate.


Kansas Marketing

Ok here's a question we get every so often: "What is the difference between marketing and advertising?" There's a great link here to help answer that. If you don't like that definition, here's mine.

Marketing is the big picture, everything you do that in any way allows your company to interact with the public. All the way from how your receptionist answers the phone to multi-million dollar publicity campaigns. Anything you do that affects even one person's opinion of your company or makes even one more person aware your company exists, that's marketing.

Advertising is only a small part of marketing. Advertising is the art of placing some sort of representaion of your company out in front of people. It also has a huge spectrum of size. You can stick a bumper sticker on your car or you can pay 2 million dollars for a Super Bowl halftime commercial.

Why am I talking about this on a Kansas Website designer blog?
Well, LogicMaze is looking to expand our toolbox and make our selection of options available to our customers bigger.
We have decided to offer full service marketing plans and execution for small to medium sized businesses who realize the commitment to marketing that is neccessary to succeed.
Wait did he say full service marketing? Don't firms that handle big campaigns for companies call them selves full service advertising agencies?
Yes they do! And we at LogicMaze don't think that cuts it. Running ads in magazines and newspapers and buying radio and TV time is only a small part of a solid marketing campaign. Yes, we will do those things for our clients and yes those things will help in the success of our clients businesses. But we will go farther, we will help implement systems to track leads and validate success. We will build and redesign web based solutions that will reduce labor intensity even though contacts and sales will increase. We will help develop customer service programs that will lead to more repeat sales and we won't leave and go to the Bahamas with your money once the first advertising campaign is complete. We will follow up and continue to push the full service marketing approach. LogicMaze has already proven we can take a business, put it on the internet and then push it to rapid success with a very affordable budget. Why can't we take a business to the next level using every means available to drive leads and produce sales? All the ridiculous catch phrases, Identity, Branding, Logo Development, Advertising , Public relations, why do we use any of those words? They are all marketing, and they had better all lead to sales or they are all worhtless!
I will post this week about our next big campaign and the company we have signed on. We will keep you posted here and you can track the progress and either sit and be jealous or contact us here!!!!


Saturday, May 06, 2006

Website designer

Website Designer - pretty broad term huh? I am not talking about Hutchinson Kansas website designer or even Kansas website designer! Just "website designer"!
I know what you are thinking, little ol' LogicMaze in Hutchinson Kansas is way to small to ever dominate a major search engine for a keyword as big and broad as website designer. YOUR WRONG! Here at LogicMaze we truly do bust our butts to compete with the big boys and we still maintain our commitment to keep our pricing in a realm that any small business can afford. But not only do we compete , WE WIN!! Check out for a search of "website designer" our little Hutchinson Kansas website designer homepage is number 16 out of 17,000,000 results. Whose the little guy now. And if you follow this blog you know that we will be doing all we can to get to number 1. Notice I am blogging about our site @ 12:23 am, I just got done working on our clients sites for the day and thought our site deserved some attention for once.
Let's take a look:
First our site, on Google we are number one in the organic search rankings for the following phrases.
  1. Hutchinson Kansas jeep church mike Oklahoma - ok that's weak , but, it's funny!

Let me ask you this, what if your small business was at the top of the search engines for that many highly competitive keyphrases? Well, I will answer my own question. It has lead to an increase of about 45% in the number of visitors to our website and has definitely increased the odds of folks who are looking for a website designer actually contacting LogicMaze. That = more clients, and more clients = more $$$$$!

Let's take a look at and LogicMaze's relationship:
website is number one on MSN for the following search phrases:

For the search term "Kansas website" on our website is #4 and our blog is #6, that upsets and excites me both, I want #1 and #2!!!

Some folks will say I am foolish for airing out what search terms we or doing search engine optimization on our own website for. I say screw 'em if the competition wants to go head to head with us we will take them on. Our clients competition tries to battle us on a daily basis for search engine rankings and we win there too!!

Anyhow I blab alot about or clients on this thing and I thought it was time I discussed the successes we have with our own site.

It's kinda like the old story of the farrier whose horses had the worst kept feet in town. We gotta take a little time to take care of business for the home office here in Hutchinson, Ks. OK go to bed.


Friday, May 05, 2006

AIM - Asset & Insurance Management

Another project I have worked on today is an edit of one of the business cards I created for our client, AIM. They don't have a website up yet, but I'm thinking that's something LogicMaze will be creating for them at some point.

What's next for me? We'll see!

Have a great day, everyone!
Kat - Pals Products update

Pals Products, Inc. ( Production UPDATE

This week we have moved much closer towards final site production and our subsequent launch for the revised/revamped Pals Products website. On Wednesday, one of my bosses and I spent a number of hours shooting both still image product shots as well as video to use for product instruction. We will definitely be able to illustrate a more clear impression of Pals products and their uses. For my own part, I'm looking forward to getting back into video editing and possibly even a few effects in there. I'm a sucker for that kind of work, so this will be like candy to me.

While we were shooting stills and footage for the site, LogicMaze also had occasion to visit one of our other clients. To see Pals products in proper context, we visited Cottonwood Quilts here in Hutchinson, KS and were assisted in our efforts by their friendly staff. Not being an avid quilter myself, this was my first visit to their store. But with their knowledgable staff and impressive selection, I can think of a number of friends I will have to point in their direction. Oh, the things you can find in your own town.

So, work continues on further development for Pals Products, Inc. and their site revision. Check back here for further updates. Things are right on track and looking great.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Link campaign for Skin Care By Carol

As I reported for another of our mineral makeup clients, I have been working on an on-going link campaign for Skin Care By Carol. So far, I only have a few web sites listed on the links page, but more will come, with time.

Glowing Minerals link campaign

I'm back with further comments on the link campaign I have been doing for Glowing Minerals. It's not always easy to find suitable websites to link with, but so far I have been able to find a few, which I have put on the links page.

This is just a small part of the work LogicMaze does for their clients...

Website Intern final post...

Kat here, with what may be my final post for Logic Maze. My internship here ends Friday. It has been an enjoyable and wonderful learning experience for me. Cody and Tamara are great people to work for, and they have taught me a lot.

Projects this week as I wrap things up have been:

I designed more business card ideas for our client Asset and Insurance Management (no web site to link to as yet.)

I also did some research for Cody on Paypal, and how businesses can use it.

If time allows, I will also do more link campaign work.

My thanks to Cody and Tam for all their help. Best of luck to you!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Kansas Church Website

Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Hutchinson Kansas has been my church since I was born. Tamara( my boss and wife of 11 years) and I were married in that Hometown Kansas church and with all of that in mind we were proud to do the Our Redeemer Website. The project took a little longer than it should have because we took our time and pushed Josh pretty hard on the design side because we really wanted it to be the best Kansas Church website around. I think it's safe to say that if it's not the best Kansas Church website, it is close. Thanks to Josh, and thanks to Our Redeemer Lutheran church for letting us be a part of the project. Check out this Kansas Church website here.

