Jeep Accessories end of the month progress report!
Everybody else here at LogicMaze is griping at me because I keep using the same list format for my blogs! Normally I would completely ignore this type of harrassment but the boss actually blogged this week and Josh and David are starting to be real blog pros, so I guess I had better start being a little more creative.
We have been working with for exactly one year now. Since Jan of this year we have had an organized and continuos internet marketing effort to build their search engine rankings for 20 specific keywords.
The keywords kinda fall into 2 differnet levels of difficulty when it comes to search engine optimization. The first of those levels and the easier of the 2 is: Direct Industry releated Keywords.
These are keywords that only have to do with Jeeps and are only being searched by Jeep Owners looking for Jeep stuff. Why are these keywords easier? Well we don't have to compete in our internet marketing against nearly as many high end businesses. For examples the keyword jeep accessories, we only have to compete with folks selling jeep accessories and not those selling generic automobile accessories, like batteries or spark plugs or air fresheners! On the flip side of this deal, wanted to also go after a few non-industry-specific keywords like "warn" obviously with this internet marketing project we want to dominate that keyword because people are looking for Warn winches and Warn Bumpers for their jeeps! But, warn can also be found on the internet in thousands of websites that have absolutely nothing to do with jeeps or winches or off-roading or anything else that is remotely related to and we have to compete with all those websites for search engine rankings.
Alright, that being said I am going back to my list!!! Keep in mind you can check the progress of this internet marketing project by going back through our blog here and here and here and here theres a bunch!!!
1. Jeep accessories- Just go search around the internet for it, start with MSN, it's number one and producing tonsof visits and sales to Here at LogicMaze we can help you track the benefits of search engine optimization and watch it turn into $$$$$$$$.
2. Warn Winch - non-industry-specific right, #8 on MSN, look out!!
3. Winches - Really non-specific, still working on it!
4. Bestop- Top twnety on all 3 search engines!
5. Jeep liberty accessories - Top ten on MSN and Google and #12 on Yahoo. 739,000 results on Yahoo.
6. Jeep wrangler accessories - Top 10 on all 3 search engines, #1 on MSN!!!
7. Jeep Tops - Dropped a little on this one but still high enough on all 3 search engines to produce visits. Gotta sell those jeep bikinis!
8. Jeep soft tops - #6 on MSN
9. Jeep Bumpers - To 20 on Google and Yahoo, big ticket key phrase.
10. Jeep Doors - #1 on MSN, #9 on Google and #6 on Yahoo. LogicMaze has taken to the point of honestly dominating the search engines throughout the entire world for jeep doors.
11. Jeep Windows - Top ten on all 3, #1 on MSN!!
12. Jeep Wrangler Doors - Back to #1 on MSN!!
13. Jeep Seats - Back to #1 on MSN!!
14. Jeep seat cover - #1 on MSN!!!
15. jeep bikini top - #5 on Google and #2 on MSN and way up from last update #15 onYahoo, Yahoo is really coming on strong and looks to be the next big boost of visitors to
16. Jeep hardtop - Again this we probably not get a fair share of our attention over the next couple of months. You have to understand that if you want to dominate the search engones, your search engine optimization has to be an ongoing plan and to stay within a set budget certain business practices have to be factored in. This keyword is going to be big priority at the end of the summer.
17. Jeep hard top - See # 16
18. Warn- This is another one that we have had to stall while we fought hard to get in, guess what #21 on MSN out of 5.5 million results, look out!
19. Tire Covers - Still working, kinda stalling?
Contact LogicMaze here if your business would like to dominate search engines!!
Labels: Cody