Sunday, April 30, 2006

Jeep Accessories end of the month progress report!

Everybody else here at LogicMaze is griping at me because I keep using the same list format for my blogs! Normally I would completely ignore this type of harrassment but the boss actually blogged this week and Josh and David are starting to be real blog pros, so I guess I had better start being a little more creative.

We have been working with for exactly one year now. Since Jan of this year we have had an organized and continuos internet marketing effort to build their search engine rankings for 20 specific keywords.

The keywords kinda fall into 2 differnet levels of difficulty when it comes to search engine optimization. The first of those levels and the easier of the 2 is: Direct Industry releated Keywords.
These are keywords that only have to do with Jeeps and are only being searched by Jeep Owners looking for Jeep stuff. Why are these keywords easier? Well we don't have to compete in our internet marketing against nearly as many high end businesses. For examples the keyword jeep accessories, we only have to compete with folks selling jeep accessories and not those selling generic automobile accessories, like batteries or spark plugs or air fresheners! On the flip side of this deal, wanted to also go after a few non-industry-specific keywords like "warn" obviously with this internet marketing project we want to dominate that keyword because people are looking for Warn winches and Warn Bumpers for their jeeps! But, warn can also be found on the internet in thousands of websites that have absolutely nothing to do with jeeps or winches or off-roading or anything else that is remotely related to and we have to compete with all those websites for search engine rankings.

Alright, that being said I am going back to my list!!! Keep in mind you can check the progress of this internet marketing project by going back through our blog here and here and here and here theres a bunch!!!

1. Jeep accessories- Just go search around the internet for it, start with MSN, it's number one and producing tonsof visits and sales to Here at LogicMaze we can help you track the benefits of search engine optimization and watch it turn into $$$$$$$$.

2. Warn Winch - non-industry-specific right, #8 on MSN, look out!!

3. Winches - Really non-specific, still working on it!

4. Bestop- Top twnety on all 3 search engines!

5. Jeep liberty accessories - Top ten on MSN and Google and #12 on Yahoo. 739,000 results on Yahoo.

6. Jeep wrangler accessories - Top 10 on all 3 search engines, #1 on MSN!!!

7. Jeep Tops - Dropped a little on this one but still high enough on all 3 search engines to produce visits. Gotta sell those jeep bikinis!

8. Jeep soft tops - #6 on MSN

9. Jeep Bumpers - To 20 on Google and Yahoo, big ticket key phrase.

10. Jeep Doors - #1 on MSN, #9 on Google and #6 on Yahoo. LogicMaze has taken to the point of honestly dominating the search engines throughout the entire world for jeep doors.

11. Jeep Windows - Top ten on all 3, #1 on MSN!!

12. Jeep Wrangler Doors - Back to #1 on MSN!!

13. Jeep Seats - Back to #1 on MSN!!

14. Jeep seat cover - #1 on MSN!!!

15. jeep bikini top - #5 on Google and #2 on MSN and way up from last update #15 onYahoo, Yahoo is really coming on strong and looks to be the next big boost of visitors to

16. Jeep hardtop - Again this we probably not get a fair share of our attention over the next couple of months. You have to understand that if you want to dominate the search engones, your search engine optimization has to be an ongoing plan and to stay within a set budget certain business practices have to be factored in. This keyword is going to be big priority at the end of the summer.

17. Jeep hard top - See # 16

18. Warn- This is another one that we have had to stall while we fought hard to get in, guess what #21 on MSN out of 5.5 million results, look out!

19. Tire Covers - Still working, kinda stalling?

20. Jeep mirror - Top Ten on Google, #1 on MSN and #21 on Yahoo, domination!!!!

Contact LogicMaze here if your business would like to dominate search engines!!


Friday, April 28, 2006

Illinois hunting

OK, I think we have time tonight for at least one more post. If you don't recall, Ashlenz is our favorite Illinois Outfitters who have asked us to optimize their website for such keywords as Illinois deer hunting and Pike County hunting.

Should I give you the scoop on the new numbers? I hope that was a yes. Our big winner this time around is "
Illinois deer hunting" on Google. Ashlenz went from not being in the top 100 for this keyword to making its first appearance at #19, a jump of 81+. Illinois hunting lodge also made its Google debut at #80, up 20+ places. Now those aren't top 10 numbers, I know. However, every keyword has to climb the ranks and its reassuring to know that these two have begun their journey to the top of the Google results. Google was also up 16 places for Illinois deer, 43 places for Illinois outfitter, 4 places for Illinois hunting, and 5 places for Illinois trophy buck.

Google may have been the main focus this update, but let me point out that "
Illinois hunting" made it to #1 on MSN. That's right! Ashlenz Outfitters is the top result for both Illinois hunting and Illinois deer hunting. I seem to recall, in a previous post that I made, a promise to get Ashlenz to number one for those keywords. LogicMaze loves it when we get to the top and live up to our promises!

Yahoo, of course, is taking it's time like always, but we are making progress. This week we saw small jumps for
Illinois deer hunting guide, Pike County deer hunting, and both Illinois outfitters and Illinois outfitter.

I will keep you posted on more results as they come in. In the meantime, why not give
LogicMaze of Hutchinson, Kansas a call today. Cody would be happy to fill you in on our excellent search engine optimization programs. Obviously, they work. So now you just need to get up the initiative to take charge of your website's search engine results. I guarantee that we have a package that would fit your budget. I hope everyone enjoys the weekend, I know I will!
josh web designer

Kansas City Restaurants

It's so hard to do a final blog on a site. My last blog on Kansas City Menus was going to be my last update, simply because the project was complete. However, I checked on the search results for our favorite Kansas City restaurant guide and couldn't resist some shameless bragging on behalf of LogicMaze.
Let me give you a run down of the keywords first, I have put a star behind keywords at #1:

Now that you know the words, lets get to some results. On MSN, We rank in the TOP 5 for each one of those keywords! On top of that 12 out of those 16 keywords are at #3 or above. MSN also sports an amazing 7 #1's.

On GOOGLE, We rank in the TOP 15 for each one of those Keywords. With 13 of those fifteen in the TOP 10. On top of that there are 8 of those keywords in the TOP 3, 2 of which are at #1.

Yahoo is the straggler, but trust me that's where results take the longest and Yahoo is still moving up. Nonetheless, 8 of those keywords rank in the TOP 10, with 7 being in the TOP 10. While there are no #1's as of yet, we do have four that are sitting at #2 and just maybe will cross to #1.

So you can plainly see that the search engine optimization techniques of LogicMaze are awesome. I rarely toot my own horn but this is kinda fun. Josh = awesome. I hope you are all sincerely considering LogicMaze WebDesigns of Hutchinson, Kansas to optimize your site and get more traffic to your site! josh is an awesome website designer

Week II - The Designer Returns

"...and as he sat at his keyboard, resting squarely on his new desk, he pondered to himself. What would he blog about before the week was over, before he finished his second week at his new job? Would it be about his new bosses? Or maybe the kinds of projects he has finished this week?
No. He decided he would rather tell a story. A story of a designer with a dream, a big imagination...... and a banjo."

Then again, maybe not. Our office here at LogicMaze has been declared a strict "banjo-free" zone, under penalty of stapler attack. So more realistically I should share my impressions of my second week.

Since my last post (yesterday, dear reader) I have been working steadily on a complete site redesign that I can't discuss just yet. As one of the arms of a large, international agricultural equipment corporation, this client (like many of our others) will be readily recognized by many people. But we are prudently waiting until a formal site launch before divulging too many details. Consider it safe to say that LogicMaze is producing a serious facelift to give a more professional look and better organized navigation.

I have had the opportunity to further review the work that LogicMaze has done so far, and I am impressed. But I am also looking forward to making my own mark here and working with a wide range of clients and projects. I can honestly say that I am thoroughly enjoying the challenges of my new career.

I Love My Job!

Looking over the last week, it has been quite an assortment of assignments.

The work performed ranged from helping my son with building a paper airplane (I'm his hero), to coding shopping carts to allow our local website clients the ability to charge sales tax based on the delivery point's sales tax. Wow! I wonder if the state of Kansas could make it any harder on small businesses to make money in this state! The good news is that we have found a good solution and have implemented it easily.

One of my favorite jobs that I have here at LogicMaze is maintaining the USD308 website. I'm so proud of our district and it was just honored with district accreditation from the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement. It's great news for our district that I feel like such a part of.

We are going to have quite a few new projects in the near future that will include some marketing & PR for some of our existing web clients. I love the idea of expanding our current customer's client base by getting the word out about their services. Cody, Our Project Manager, is gung-ho and full of ideas to expand LogicMaze's services. This seems like a smart next step.

I have been working with another designer on some design concepts for one of our newer clients; Flat Iron Meats. If you haven't ever tried their Jalapeno Summer Sausage, I suggest going down to their shop here in Hutchinson, Kansas and picking up some.

We were honored to be asked to design the Oklahoma Raindance website. I know Cody already posted some information about it, but it was a great project to get to work on. Throughout the last month Blake Shelton has been announcing some big names that will be performing with him down in Ada, Oklahoma at Raindance. Blake Shelton has announced Andy Griggs, Craig Morgan, Keith Anderson & Tracy Byrd will perform with him at the Raindance concert. They will also be competing in the celebrity Archery Shoot. We plan on going down and enjoying some great music.

Also, we welcome our newest employee, Mr. David Planthold. (I'm pretty sure I can beat him at darts in our monthly office dart championship battle) So, we will be keeping him around until he gets better than me. He has been impressing us and our clients with some great design & marketing concepts. I must go, and practice darts.

Kansas Website Designer update

Kat again. I forgot to blog about one of the projects I worked on last week. I designed a poster (print job) for our Dechant Mineral Makeup client.

This week, I finished up some office maintenance (backing up of files.)

I also continued work on our link campaigns for our clients Skin Care By Carol and Glowing Minerals. I added one link to the links pages on each of the sites.

More next time...

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Exciting Work Continues

Time for a few project updates from your friendly Project Designer.

Work continues steadily for Progress3 the branding of their Jamison Station development project. You may recall, this is an ambitious undertaking in Franklin, TN - combining retail, office, and residential spaces into one coordinated plan. LogicMaze is steadily honing in on the final brand look for this project and are looking forward to the formal launch, adding it to our growing list of satisfied clients.

We have also reached our first milestone in our redesign for Pals Products, Inc. Having reached a final approval on site design, we are forging ahead to the full design - including web video and animations. Since we are shooting and editing video next week, check back here soon for further updates. LogicMaze is going to drive this client's business through the roof.

And lastly, we've been working on branding, logo designs, and site redesigns for other clients, to be announced soon - one of which is a large international agricultural equipment corporation. Check back here for further updates. Things are definitely hopping!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Whitewater Rafting

Time for an update on your favorite whitewater rafting destination and mine, Idaho Afloat. If you remember my last few posts on this site, you will know that Idaho Afloat ranks well on search terms including the word Idaho, such as Idaho whitewater rafting, but we wanted to get more general key words, such as whitewater, to bring Idaho Afloat to the top rankings.
Let see some of the numbers:
  1. whitewater rafting - #75 on Google (up 25+), #11 on MSN, (up 13), #63 on Yahoo (up 37+)
  2. whitewater rafting trip -#60 on Google (up 8), #10 on MSN (up 12)
  3. whitewater -#42 on MSN (up 18+) (Out of 2.5 Million!)
  4. river rafting vacation -#7 on Google (up 6), #1 on MSN (up 2), #12 on Yahoo (-)
  5. Idaho whitewater rafting -#2 on Google (up 1), #4 on MSN (up 12), #8 on Yahoo (up 7)
  6. Idaho rafting -#6 on Google (up 2), #2 on MSN (up 4), #2 on Yahoo (up 1)
  7. Idaho rafting vacations -#3 on Google (-), #6 on MSN (up 94+), #3 on Yahoo (up 2)

So, as you can see, we are starting to make some progress here. Whitewater rafting is really starting to kick in on all three search engines moving up a combined 75 spots, and should be interesting to watch. Results take a little time, and some of these results are just coming online today. We will continue to watch the search engines and keep you up to date as the numbers continue to rise for whitewater rafting terms!

What are you waiting for? Contact LogicMaze of Hutchinson, Kansas today and put our search engine optimization skills to work for your site! kansas josh

Metal No Hunting Signs from Turkey Creek

OK, we have a new Search Engine Optimization site on the table to keep an eye on. Turkey Creek Products understands the ethics, integrity, and traditional values that are shared by both owners and caretakers of land and wildlife habitat. The goal of Turkey Creek Products is to give you more than a "no hunting" or "no trespassing" notice painted on an old tire.

That is why Turkey Creek Products specializes in metal no hunting signs. These metal hunting signs are of the highest quality, and are as attractive as they are sturdy. They are the perfect metal hunting signs to use when posting your property with "no hunting", "no fishing", and "no trespassing" warnings. When you have property that needs to be posted, think of Turkey Creek Products and their metal no hunting signs.

As far as this SEO project goes, we have a good challenge here to prove the search engine results that LogicMaze WebDesigns of Hutchinson, Kansas can provide. I have been asked to get the following four keywords into the top 5 on google.

I'm confident in my ability to do this, but here is the challenge. I have a limited amount of time that I can spend on getting these no hunting keywords to the top. Truly a limited amount of hours I can spend on this project. LogicMaze is confident that we can provide website design and search engine optimization to anyone on any budget. I plan to prove the those results with this project.

So check back frequently and I will keep you updated on the progress of metal no hunting signs, metal hunting signs, no hunting signs, and hunting signs in the google results. Turkey Creek is headed to the top! kansas josh

LogicMaze Ahead of the Curve

Microsoft released a security update this last week that changes how it handles active content such as that viewed in Flash Player. Active content that is embedded into webpages in certain ways may not be able to receive user input (for example, keyboard or mouse events) until the user clicks to either activate or continue loading the control.

You can read about the update here at Microsoft:

If your computer is set to run automatic updates(
define) or if you have run the updates yourself then you already have the security update in your browser . When viewing a site with flash content, you will see a box around the flash area. You may have noticed recently that sites with flash menus & any other interactive flash requires you to click the outlined box to activate the content before using.

BUT, do not blame Microsoft for this. What causes the box to appear is an issue with how the site is designed. Any site that has the box around their flash is using an outdated method for designing webpages. Basically the HTML code(define) they are using on their sites is not W3C valid code(define). In a later article I will explain the ins and outs of valid code, but what you need to know is that valid code is simply playing by the rules. For example, you may own a baseball, baseball bat, and a glove, but if you take these out in your yard and you don't follow any rules, then you are not playing baseball. If you don't follow the rules of web design you are not creating a high quality site.

Now there can be two reasons for a site without valid code. The first is it is an older site. At the time, the code was probably valid and then over time the rules changed. This responsibility falls back to the website owners to update their site. The second reason is that designers are not playing by the current rules. This will never happen with LogicMaze. When you come across a site that is effected, you have to make a judgment call as for the reason.

This is a prime example of why a quality website is so important. On any newer site you see with the box around the flash, you will find a designer that thought that 100% valid code was not important because "the page looked fine". Something changes in a browser, and then the site is outdated and no longer looks fine. Similar issues happen when you view a webpage in firefox or another less popular web browser(define). What "looked fine" in explorer suddenly seems odd in that other browser. This, too, is due to invalid code.

As an example now, I'm going to give you my three most recent releases.

If you view these three websites, you will notice immediately that you do not need to click the flash content before interacting with it. The flash loads and is automatically in play. Both the Tod Emerson and Mike O'Neal sites were designed and live prior to the Microsoft update causing the issue. Our Redeemer was in the works at the time, but not live. This is the benefit of using valid code, the sites are NOT effected by issues such as this. LogicMaze was ahead of the curve!

Now, if you have them on your computer, try opening these sites in other browsers. You will notice that the design stays consistent with how it appeared in IE. Although that is possible to do without valid code, if the designer pays attention and actually checks other browsers, I wouldn't recommend it. IE, Firefox, Opera, and Netscape are the four most popular browsers making up 98%-99% of browser use in the world. Those are the browsers that I have installed on my computer as a website designer. What about the other 1%-2%? There are literally hundreds of browsers that make up the remaining percent. Valid code is the ONLY way to ensure that no matter what browser your customer is using, he or she can see the site as intended and interact with it fully.

Do you need a high quality website? Do you need a company that can work with any budget? Are ALL of your customers viewing your website, or do some see it in another browser and run? Contact LogicMaze of Hutchinson, Kansas today and put yourself on the path to having a quality website that will attract and keep customers. kansas josh

Our Redeemer Lutheran Church

LogicMaze is happy to announce the launch of the Our Redeemer Lutheran Church website. ORL needed a site that could provide the congregation with information they needed such as the monthly church newsletter, church service times, a calendar of upcoming church events, and more. LogicMaze was happy to fulfill their needs.

The website also features a page to submit
prayer requests, information on and letters from the Oettings currently serving as missionaries in Guinea, and church photo galleries. We are sure that the congregation will get good use out of the website!

So check out
ORL and see what you think. Could your business, club, or organization use a website? Contact LogicMaze in Hutchinson Kansas. We can build you the best site for your budget. kansas josh

Monday, April 24, 2006

Yahoo search engine optimization.


The second most popular search engine and most popular website in the world,, has been giving us fits with one particular project here at LogicMaze. We have been working on for almost a year now and the success has been phenomenal, on Google and MSN!!! But we were having a hard time getting the spectacular results we wanted on Yahoo. That is until just recently! I am not going to tell all of the tricks of the trade but I will prove to you that the results are real. Actually you can use this blog to prove to yourself the results are real. Take a look back at the previous blogs I entered for and you can see that I talked alot about MSN and Google results but not a whole lot about Yahoo. We were always moving up on Yahoo but it was happening so slowly that we were beginning to get frustrated. Well no more!!!!
We now have 7 keywords in the top twenty (Bestop, Jeep Wrangler Accessories, Jeep Liberty Accessories, Jeep Bumpers, Jeep Doors, Jeep Seats and Jeep Bikini top) and every keyphrase made significant improvements in the last 10 days. Look for a huge leap forward by the end of April.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention that is a Yahoo Store! Go figure!!


The ever popular jeep accessories update!!

Ok here we go again with , I know some folks might get bored of hearing about it, but we like to talk about our successes and this is our blog.

1. Jeep accessories - Again this is our biggest Industry specific keyword. #3 on MSN, moved up 34 spots on Google and 29 spots on Yahoo. Not to bad for 14 days worth of work.

2. Warn Winch - Ok, you can go back through all the blogs about and see where I was kinda stalling, this is a huge key phrase and it is not Jeep specific so we are competing against a lot larger group of websites. #11 on MSN out of 166,663 results. Enough said.

3. Winches - I'm stalling on this one.

4. Bestop- Here we go. MSN #4 out of 967,573 results, Google #24 out of 857,00 results and Yahoo, (yes Yahoo is coming around for us) #17 out of 536,000 results. Look out here we come.

5. Jeep liberty accessories - Top ten on MSN and Google and #12 on Yahoo. 739,000 results on Yahoo.

6. Jeep wrangler accessories - Top 20 on Google and Yahoo and #1 on MSN, yep, #1 out of 566,480 results.

7. Jeep Tops - Dropped a little on this one but still high enough on all 3 search engines to produce visits. Gotta sell those jeep bikinis!

8. Jeep soft tops - Again a big time phrase for this time of year, we get alot of people to the site from this search and it's different variations.

9. Jeep Bumpers - To 20 on Google and Yahoo, big ticket key phrase.

10. Jeep Doors - #1 on MSN, #9 on Google and #6 on Yahoo. LogicMaze has taken to the point of honestly dominating the search engines throughout the entire world for jeep doors.

11. Jeep Windows - Still #2 on MSN and #6 on Yahoo Google dropped a littl bit but we can't have all of our competitors mad at us!!!

12. Jeep Wrangler Doors - Dropped to #2 out of 282,213 results but we jumped up 41 places on Yahoo.

13. Jeep Seats - Dropped to #2 on MSN but jumped 21 places on Google.

14. Jeep seat cover - Still working on getting all the focus to the right page on this one we want people to be as close to check out as possible and right now we have 2 pages showing up in the results for this search.

15. jeep bikini top - #5 on Google and #2 on MSN and way up from last update #15 onYahoo, Yahoo is really coming on strong and looks to be the next big boost of visitors to

16. Jeep hardtop - Again this we probably not get a fair share of our attention over the next couple of months. You have to understand that if you want to dominate the search engones, your search engine optimization has to be an ongoing plan and to stay within a set budget certain business practices have to be factored in. This keyword is going to be big priority at the end of the summer.

17. Jeep hard top - See # 16

18. Warn- This is another one that we have had to stall while we fought hard to get in, guess what #21 on MSN out of 5.5 million results, look out!

19. Tire Covers - Still working, kinda stalling?

20. Jeep mirror - Top Ten on Google, #1 on MSN and #21 on Yahoo, domination!!!!

What if your company was number one in the world for the search terms that people are using to look for your product or services? You can go with a huge corporate marketing firm and spend a fortune and have them forget about you after your check cashes or you can click here!

this isn't the only project you are following we are also taking our clients after the keywords:
1. Illinois Deer Hunting
2. Mineral Makeup - 2 clients on that one, luckily they are in business together and friends or we would have a little mineral makeup war.
3. Kansas Electrician
4. And many other search phrases that we are performing internet marketing on so LogicMaze clients can DOMINATE the search engines.
Still wondering if search engine optimization works or if LogicMaze in little ol' Hutchinson Kansas can really benefit your website traffic and increase your business? Well if your still not convinced just stick around and keep tracking us here, we will win you over.



Friday, April 21, 2006

Just like Summer Camp, but without the snake bite (or a window)

Yes, it's LogicMaze's newest employee, David, again. I'm rounding out my first week here and have to admit - I'm loving my job. We have daily meetings about why I have a better desk than one of my bosses (through no fault of mine), but apart from that it's been very smooth sailing. Now if we could only change the color of my office, since it most closely resembles an army munitions bunker.

In my first week of being all I can be, the majority of my work has been on projects for two of our clients.

The first of these is Pals Products, Inc, based out of good ol' Hutchinson, KS. Designing and manufacturing products which cater to both the quilt shop and the avid home quilter, they have expressed interest in a redesign of their website, as well as adding e-commerce capabilities. So my first two days with the company were spent doing just that, working on a new look for Pals Products, Inc. Check back here for launch information when their new site is ready.

My second project this week was for a company based out of Brentwood, TN called Progress3 Capital, LLC. They are developing a retail, office, and residential project in Franklin, TN called Jamison Station. LogicMaze is currently working on the branding and logo development for this project. Once again, check back here for further developments.

Without gushing too much, I can safely say that I have not had a job where I've enjoyed the first week as much as I have here. Stay tuned till next week.
Same bat-time, same bat-channel.

Kansas Website Designer update

Kat here again. It's been a busy week project-wise, but not always working for clients. I've been helping with in-office maintenance, in that I have been working on backing up websites, and cleaning up the filing system.

I also worked on another business card for A-Mac Realty. They have a new agent, Shannon Lacey, so I created her new business card, working off from those I created for the other agents.

Other projects are in the works...I'll blog about that next time.

Monday, April 17, 2006

New Project Designer at LogicMaze - Watch Out!

Dateline: Hutchinson, KS has taken a bold step forward by making a recent talent acquisition - hiring David Planthold as their new Project Designer (namely me).
That's about all the horn-blowing that I'm up for, so a little bit of realistic background about myself...

Having come from an extensive background in both graphic design and technical support, I've made a decisive career move to meld these two experiences by signing on here at LogicMaze. I have worked in print media design, fleet graphics, web elements, multi-media presentations, video and DVD production. That and I make a mean red-and-black bean chili!

Bringing all of these cards to the table, I am looking forward to working in an industry which can call upon all of these talents and allow me to develop new ones. With a sound company like LogicMaze (gratuitous promotion here... after all, my boss does read these posts) I feel I have excellent reason to hold high expectations for my future, and the future of our clients.

Now it's time to get to work!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Search Engine Domination!!!

Here's a fun game:

I am gonna list just a few of the keyphrases that LogicMaze clients dominate search engines for.

Ok quick dislaimer, these blatant braggings I am about to post are as of this blog entry going to print. Obviously things can change, if people don't continue to market their sites rankings will drop because other people will pass them up!!

Let's start with MSN:
Why don't you search for any of these key phrases.

1. Jeep Doors
2. Jeep Wrangler Accessories
3. Illinois Deer Hunting
4. Pike County Illinois Hunting
5. Jeep Windows
6. Kansas Electrician
7. Generators in Kansas

Again, read the disclaimer but as of right now while I am typing this LogicMaze clients are #1 in the world for these searches on

OK how about Google:

1. Kansas Website Designer - sorry couldn't resist, our website is #1!!!!
2. Sheer Mineral Makeup
3. Kansas Internet Marketing - sorry again, thats us at numer one out of 27 million results!!

Ok I am tired, it's 4:00 in the morning and I need sleep!
How about Josh's post on whitewater rafting? Talk about needing some sleep.
Anyhow if you want your company to Dominate the searh engines click here.


Mineral Makeup

Ok I admit it, it bothers me how much I know about mineral makeup. We started marketing in this industry several years ago when Kris Dechant first started her mineral makeup company, Dechant SheerMinerals. She came to us and had recieved a proposal to build her an e-commerce website from a website design firm in Wichita Kansas that was insanely expensive. We made a honest offer to build her a quality e-commerce site to help launch her company. Now we spend a considerable amount of time each year developing addittional websites for the new distributors that Dechant Sheer Minerals adds to there team each year.

Glowing Minerals is one such distributor. Marilyn from Glowing Minerals contacted LogicMaze late in 2005 and wanted to get her mineral makeup business online. She wanted a distinct look that catered and appealed to the working woman with a slightly more modern look than some of the other mineral makeup sites on the web. LogicMaze's website designer instincts kicked in and we went to work. But once a look was developed and the site online we still had work to do. YEP you guessed it we gave Marilyn the same post design presentation we offer to all our website design clients,"Just because you build it does not mean they will come!"
Her mineral makeup website needed a full scale marketing plan and we had a little experience so we offered our internet marketing services. And guess what? It worked! is online and making regualr sales. We have a continuing plan for this site and we will keep you posted as the rankings improve and the sales increase.


Mineral Makeup

Carol Norris started Carol's Skin Essentials 2 years ago to help get a product that she truly believed in into the hands of people who it could benefit. Mineral Makeup is truly a hot item right now and Carol realized that Dechant Sheer Minerals Mineral Makeup is truly top-notch mineral makeup.
Carol came to us not entirely sure that the internet was the way to go and our recommendation was to get into it slowly. She had us develop an affiliate site that sent potential customers to the Dechant corporate site and she gained commission checks from the sales it produced. Dechant corporate decided to stop selling online and push all their mineral makeup sales directly to their distributors. Carol came to see LogicMaze again. We went to work doing our little website designer duties and tada!! Carol had her own full blown e-commerce site that didn't send her clients to another site, it sent her clients money to her bank account.
What else did she need? Well actually the hard part was yet to come! How do we get people to come to her site and buy mineral makeup from her? The LogicMaze internet marketing team went to work and developed a search engine marketing plan for Carol and her team and put the ball in motion. We did keyword research, implemented an extensive pay per click campaign and began search engine optimization on the website.
Is it working, of course or I wouldn't right about it on here and air out our dirty laundry!
Goto MSN and search for mineral makeup and look for

Do you want your business to dominate search engines for key phrases related to your industry? Click here.


Kansas Public Schools

Here's a project I have been working on in my spare time:
Last year LogicMaze designed and took over a maintenance contract for the Hutchinson Kansas Public Schools website. This just happens to be the school district that Tamara and I attended and the one our kids currently attend. So, just because of my competitive nature I wanted to make sure the website we designed was competitive for specific terms on Search Engines. Obviously we needed to dominate for Hutchinson specific keywords and just doing the redesign took care of that. I noticed that before the redesign the previous USD 308 website was #408 on Google when searching for Kansas Public Schools. Obviously that wasn't going to cut it. The redesign took care of some of the problem and moved the site up into the top 100. From there I went to work and as of today the Usd 308 site is #4 for the search "Kansas Public Schools" on Google.

Let's look at this: Site redesigns, why do we do them?
First of all Appearance is the top reason clients want a redesign of an existing website. Maybe the site has just become outdated, but most of the time folks tried to go a cheap route and are now realizing that the presentation that their company makes on the internet is something worth spend an appropriate amount of money on.
There is another redesign to hire a website designer to redo your current website. Other than appearance, performance is the top reason people decide to take their websites to the next level. Either the website is not performing the tasks the owner feels it should/wants it to or the website is not being found. We talk alot about search engine optimization and most of the time the first step in SEO needs to be a redesign of the site to make it perform in the Search Engines the way we want it to. Lot's of people have sites built by designers who put no thought into SEO when initiallly creating the site and now several years later noone ever visits the site and all of that money spent for initail construction seems wasted. It's not, contact LogicMaze here and we can help take the good parts of your current site and take it to the next level.


Thursday, April 13, 2006

Whitewater Rafting with Idaho Afloat

Okay, I Probably got a little carried away with that last blog. You can only mention whitewater rafting so many times before it gets old right? Nah, I lied. When something is exciting you hafta tell people about it. That's what Idaho Afloat wants us to do. To tell you they are excited about having you join them for whitewater rafting.

Let me be serious though for awhile. Idaho Afloat does do awesome in the search engines. That of course is relevant to the keywords you choose. If you are searching for
fishing trips or whitewater rafting trips in Idaho you will definitely find Idaho Afloat. See the numbers your self.
  1. Idaho whitewater rafting vacation - #1 on Google, #1 on MSN, #1 on Yahoo
  2. Idaho rafting vacation - #1 on Google, #1 on MSN, #1 on Yahoo
  3. Idaho river rafting - #1 on Google, #2 on MSN, #3 on Yahoo
  4. Idaho whitewater rafting - #3 on Google, #16 on MSN, #15 on Yahoo
However, remove Idaho from the key terms and we drop. Don't get me wrong, the site is ranked for those terms, we just want to dominate for those terms. That's where I come in. Below you will find the key terms we are currently working on and where they stand today.
  1. whitewater rafting - #24 on MSN
  2. whitewater rafting vacation - #15 on Google, #1 on MSN, #6 on Yahoo
  3. whitewater rafting trip - #68 on Google, #22 on MSN
  4. river rafting vacation - #13 on Google, #3 on MSN, #12 on Yahoo
  5. whitewater - #60 on MSN (That's out of 2.5 million results in a keyword that is not only a popular vacation but also a city and a presidential scandal)

These results actually reflect a slight increase as the site was re-indexed by the search engines before I had a chance to search the keywords and get this blog up. So we are going to watch these keywords now and maybe tweak a few things along the way. Idaho Afloat is prepared though, and they will need to be. Soon Idaho Afloat will be the number one website for whitewater rafting.

Don't forget to contact LogicMaze in Hutchinson, Kansas and find out how we can use search engine optimization to bring your site to the top of the ranks!

Whitewater Rafting

Idaho Afloat offers Whitewater rafting, river rafting, fishing trips, and an adventure that will create a lasting memory. They may be our customers, but LogicMaze employees are their customers as well. In fact, Tamara said about Idaho Afloat: "What a perfect whitewater rafting experience, can't come up with any criticisms". I myself have never been whitewater rafting in Idaho, but maybe I can clear it with the boss to send me there on research for my latest project. That project of course is fine tuning some keywords for Idaho Afloat, which I have heard offers the best whitewater rafting in all the United States.

That's right!
Whitewater rafting in Colorado? Idaho Afloat beats it! California whitewater rafting? Nope, try again. Whitewater rafting in North or South Carolina? Keep guessing. The only place for true whitewater rafting is Idaho. Logic will then tell us that the best whitewater rafting in Idaho is offered by Idaho Afloat.

So why are you sitting there reading about
whitewater rafting when you could be experiencing it? Picture yourself whitewater rafting the Snake and Salmon Rivers, taking in the gorgeous scenery of Idaho as you go. Whitewater rafting is an exciting and rewarding experience you wont forget. So check out the website and plan a whitewater rafting vacation.

Still reading? Why? There is a
whitewater rafting experience just waiting for you in Idaho. Whitewater rafting would be much more exciting than reading a blog, wouldn't it? So stop reading, visit Idaho Afloat's website and make plans for you whitewater rafting vacation. I promise that you will have the thrills of a lifetime if you go whitewater rafting with Idaho Afloat in Idaho.

I can't believe you are still reading this instead of
whitewater rafting. Is there no explorer inside of you dying to get out and experience the world. Whitewater rafting will bring pleasure to your senses and let you know you are alive. Don't you need a vacation?Are you stuck to your chair? This is the last time I'm going to tell you... Visit Idaho Afloat and plan a whitewater rafting trip today! You will be glad you did!


You really like reading blogs, don't you. Obviously I have not convinced you to take a
whitewater rafting vacation with your family. Since you seem to enjoy blogs so much, at least take a look at the whitewater rafting blog offered by Idaho Afloat. LogicMaze set that up for them, just in case some of you nice folks have an interest in taking your loved ones on a family vacation that includes whitewater rafting in Idaho.

Illinois hunting

Excellent news to report for Ashlenz Outfitters, the Illinois Outfitter that hunters trust to deliver the trophy buck of a lifetime.

While all the keywords for Ashlenz are climbing the ranks, I would like to point out that Illinois Deer Hunting has hit #1 on MSN. That of course is our goal on these projects, we hone in on a few keywords and get them to the top. Two other keywords, Pike County deer hunting and Pike County Illinois hunting, also hit #1 for the first time. While getting a site to the top is old hat for LogicMaze, it's still exciting to hit #1 for a keyword!

The Keywords Illinois deer and Illinois hunting also made some good progress. Illinois deer has climbed to #5 on MSN and Illinois hunting has climbed to #14. While those are the results for MSN, Google and Yahoo are following suit. Google and Yahoo both showed gains on the keywords Pike County Illinois hunting, Illinois trophy buck, Illinois deer, Illinois outfitters, and Illinois outfitter.

So with 3 of our major keywords at the top, we are going to let those ride and take on two new keywords as our focus. Illinois deer and Illinois hunting seem to be a good choice as they are nearing the finish line.

So let me take the opportunity here to tell you that Ashlenz Outfitters, your best bet for harvesting Illinois deer is currently booking Illinois hunting trips. As an Illinois Outfitter, Ashlenz knows how to find the best Illinois deer to help you get that trophy buck of the season. Ashlenz is the way Illinois deer hunting was meant to be. Be sure to check out their website and consider going on an Illinois hunting trip.

Check back in the coming weeks as we watch Ashlenz and see just how high the numbers climb. In the meantime, have you considered search engine optimization for your website? Large or small budget, LogicMaze WebDesigns of Hutchinson, Kansas can find a website optimization package that will provide results. Kansas website optimization at it's best!

Blake Shelton

Country Music singer Blake Shelton's benefit for Oklahoma wildfire victims has begun selling tickets online through the website LogicMaze designed for them.
Things went well and they a vast majority of the available concert tickets in the first 4 hours.
Check out the site here.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Kansas State Representative Mike O'Neal

When Mike O'Neal came to the decision that he needed a website for his constituents he choose LogicMaze to do the job. Representative O'Neal needed a website that would keep his Kansas constituents informed on the happenings at the capital in Topeka, Ks. He also needed a way he could keep it updated himself on at least a weekly basis. We are happy to report that his website is fully functional and online.

We knew that Representative O'Neal would want to share the most information possible. His site is now a great source of information about Hutchinson, Ks, the 104th district, and the Kansas capital. You will also find his weekly newsletter and a journal that are full of insight on Kansas politics, the Kansas legislature, and the 104th district.

In order to allow Representative O'Neal the easiest and most reliable way to keep his Kansas constituents up to date, LogicMaze took a new approach for our sites and incorporated two blogs into These two blogs are the weekly newsletter and the journal. If you have never written a blog, I know you have at least read one. Incorporating the blogging into the website of Representative Mike O'Neal has created a truly unique site. Not only can constituents read information posted on the website by Representative O'Neal, but they can also post their comments in reply. This provides a new way to interact with your representative in addition to traditional means. Of course its easy for Representative O'Neal too, as he just logs in and types his journals and newsletters as he would in a word processor. Those writings are then published and automatically formatted for the internet. The representative does not have to know one bit about web design for that information to be placed on his site.

After you check out Representative Mike O'Neal's website, you may want to view his article in the wikipedia. Then you may want to contact LogicMaze WebDesigns of Hutchinson, Kansas. We are continually incorporating the latest technology into our websites. Don't settle for the average when you, too, could have a top of the line site.